What Age Can You Give A Puppy A Bath?

The best time to bathe your dog is when he is about 10-12 weeks old. Do not bathe them too early, especially puppies under 6 weeks of age. 

What do you need for a Bathing Day ?

  •  Place 

You can use your bathroom or prepare water tap, brass if necessary.

  • Shampoo

I know there’re some people use the same Shampoo because of its convenince to bath a dog and that’s not good at all.  

Dog skin and human skin are not the same, so do not use body wash to bath your puppies. Otherwise, their skin will be dry and susceptible to infections, parasites, and viruses. Instead, choose a mild dog oat bath oil at the pet store.

  • Warm water
  • Towels
  • Hair dryer
  • Soft Brush  

How to bathe a 2-month-old puppy ?

Keep in mind before bathing to not affect their health such as: 

  • Choosing the right bath time

  • Choosing bath equipment

  • Test the temperature of water and make sure the water level should be only about half of the puppy's height to avoid the risk of drowning and scaring

Bathing Steps

Step 1 - Gently brush your puppy

Using a brush, remove dirt from the puppy's coat. This also calm your puppy by doing it gently

Step 2 - Place your puppy in the bath/ brass

You can prepare a brass of warm water which water level is about ½ the height of your puppy or you still can place your puppy with an empty brass at first then fill the warm water slowly until it reaches your dog’s knee level. 

Soak your baby in the brass and gradually wet your dog's hair from neck to tail.

Step 3 - Using shampoo

Becareful with the head, your puppy might scare if you wet too hard. No worries, we still care about it later after you see your puppy kinda get along with bathing 

Pour a small amount of shampoo on your hands, gently massage all over the dog's body, be careful not to apply it on the face because the shampoo can affect the dog's eyes.

Step 4 - Rinsing

Becareful with the head, your puppy might scare if you wet too hard. No worries, we still care about it later after you see your puppy kinda get along with bathing 

Slowly work about a dime’s worth of shampoo into your puppy's fur. Make sure you get every inch of covered, his or her paws need to be washed just as much as the neck.

 Drain the soapy water and begin rinsing with clean water. Rinsing is one of the most important parts of the bathing experience.

Step 5 - Dry your puppy 

 You can use the Towel or Hairdryer to dry your puppy after bath.

A hairdryer can really speed your pet's drying time. However, it's important to do the following, so you won't accidentally burn your canine:

  • Use your dryer on its lowest setting

  • Keep the nozzle a couple of inches away from your dog's fur

  • Always keep the nozzle in motion to avoid concentrating the heat in one spot on your canine



Reference from   AKC Staff

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