If your dog has given birth to a litter of puppies or you have welcomed a newborn puppy at home, taking care of a newborn puppy can be overwhelming yet intimidating. But, don’t worry! We have prepared a personalized guide to help you raise a happy and healthy puppy.
Tips to take care of newborn puppy
If you are a parent to a newborn puppy, do not fret as we at puppipop.com will help you take care of the new little life. Follow these tips to ensure healthy and safe methods to look after your new infant pup.
Temperature regulation
Newborn puppies cannot regulate their body temperatures on their own. Usually, the puppy along with the other puppies in the litter keep each other warm by staying close, but if you have brought a newborn puppy at home, what should you do?
Keep a lamp on the puppy crate to keep it warm. Beware, the lamp should be far enough to prevent the burning of the puppy while keeping him warm. You can also cover the puppy with a nice and warm blanket to keep him warm. You can find a high-quality fleece blanket along with other personalized gifts for your puppy
Clean environment
Cleanliness is a crucial part of newborn puppy care. Since newborns are extremely fragile, they can contract bacterial and viral infections if they are not kept clean. Make sure the puppy box or crate is germ and dirt free 24/7 to keep him at bay from getting ill.
Eye care
Puppy eyes are extremely sensitive to sunlight. They open their eyes after 7-10 days of their birth. Make sure they are kept away from direct sunlight to keep their eyes unharmed
Naturally, puppies are stimulated by their mothers to defecate and urinate. If you have brought a newly born puppy, you will have to provide the alternative for the mother’s stimulation. You can massage the puppy’s genital with a wet soft cloth to encourage him to eliminate waste material.
Newborn puppies need frequent and nutritious feedings. The mother’s milk is sufficient for a few weeks’ older puppies before they start weaning. If the motherly figure is absent, it is imperative to provide meals every two to three hours. There are commercially available milk substitutes that will work alright for newborn pups.
Puppies are extremely susceptible to dehydration. Lack of a normal mother figure can be challenging for newborn pup’s health. Look after any dehydration symptoms like sticky snout or other mucous membranes or less elastic skin. Keep them hydrated for a healthier newborn puppy.
Internal parasites
Newborn puppies may struggle with internal parasites. If puppies show slow growth, malnutrition, bloody stool, or any other gut-related issue, that can be alarming. Get your puppy checked with the vet to rule out any parasite issues.
The final thought
Taking care of newborn puppies is not rocket science. All you need is to look after basic things to ensure the healthier and happier growth of your furry pet. It may seem challenging but the results are all worth it!!